Love, Alexandra

Dear NICU Mama,

When you feel alone, please remember that you have an army of NICU mamas feeling the same way. It’s okay and you will be okay. If I’m honest, you may always feel a small sense of aloneness. Embrace it.

Bask in the moments of quiet within yourself and allow your mind to be filled with gratitude. You are the only one who knows what you have endured. The kind of pain that won’t simply be washed away because you’re home or have fewer bad days. So remember to be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to be still, to breathe, and to feel - even if it means feeling alone at times.

It may not feel like it now, but God did not intend for you to do this on your own. For you my dear, are now a mother. Surely, you will never ever be alone.



More of Alexandra + her son’s NICU journey:

“My son was born 3 month premature at 26+5 days. He wasn’t suppose to survive but God knew I needed him here. He spent 169 days in the NICU. He had a g-tube placed before coming home and was oxygen dependent until he was 18months old. He is 2.5 years old now and the sweetest little thing.” - Ali


Love, Maddie


Love, Jakarta