Thank you so much for your interest in writing and sharing a letter! Below is our submission guide, as well as a contact form. If we select your letter, we will be in touch with you via e-mail for any additional needed information as well as media release! You can also send us an e-mail directly at letters@dearnicumama.com. Thank you!
Our March letter submission window is now open through March 7th!
Our March letter prompt is:
"Dear NICU Mama, Your birth story tells the story of _________.”
How to Submit:
Review our letter submission guide!
Submit your letter of hope using the contact form below.
Send us your story and photos in an email to letters@dearnicumama.com.
Stories should briefly summarize your NICU stay.
Include at least one photo of you and your baby together in the NICU. We also welcome recent photos. Please send original photos for best image quality.
Click here for the full Dear NICU Mama Letter Submission Guide!