Love, Anna

“Dear NICU Mama, I know you can do this because deep down you have unfaltering strength. No matter how blindsided you were by pregnancy complications, you attended every ultrasound and appointment with optimism. Even when the news was disheartening and a preemie was inevitable, you found brightness in the extra peeks at your baby.

I know you can do this because you’ve already fought through intense discomfort and your own medical uncertainties. Maybe it was the sting of Betamethasone injections to strengthen your baby's lungs; the fog, heat, and heaviness of the magnesium infusions to protect your baby's brain; or the pain of preterm contractions, as you prayed they would stop and give you one more day of pregnancy to help your baby's chances.

I know you can do this because you smiled and cried the first time you held your baby. It may not have been on their actual birthday, but you rejoiced in the touch of their warm skin against your chest. You anticipated this as you watched the nurses navigate tubes and monitors over to your chair. You felt sadness and grief that this was not what you imagined but relief that it was finally happening and your chapter of motherhood had begun.

I know you can do this because of the hours, days, weeks, or months you spent with your baby in the NICU. Even on days when you were exhausted, you were vigilant by their side. Your love, advocacy, and care helped them meet every milestone. You picked out their first outfit when they were big enough; you bathed them around breathing machines, ECG leads, and IV tubing; and you comforted them like only their mama could.

I know you can do this because you are already doing it and have already done so much. You are so strong and courageous, and you have a sisterhood of other NICU mamas to turn to whenever you need an encouraging shoulder to cry on, someone to reassure you, or to share an understanding smile. The hours are long and sometimes feel lonely—but you've got this, mama. Believe in your strength.”



More of Anna + Bodhi’s NICU Journey:

“I had a pregnancy that was complicated beginning at 18 weeks with a lot of uncertainty about how early my baby boy would be born. Frequent monitoring and high anxiety plagued what should have been a happy time. My water broke at 26.4 weeks. After stopping my preterm labor once, I had an emergency cesarean at 27.0 weeks. My baby, Bodhi Michael, was born on Aug 21, 2020 in Columbus, Ohio. He weighed 1lb 11oz.

Bodhi spent 165 days between two different hospitals. He had very sick lungs and failed multiple extubation attempts. Bodhi had to have a heart surgery to fix a hole in his heart. He was diagnosed with bronchopulmonary dysplasia and moved to a special NICU unit for those babies. He thrived there with less aggressive and more supportive care. Bodhi was extubated after 4 months on the vent, and came home on oxygen when he was just shy of 6 months old. He constantly amazes us and is growing and loving life at home.”


Love, Sade


Love, Emily