Love, Catherine

 “Dear NICU Mama, In moments of fear, I hope you know you are strong. You might not feel that way when your heart pounds at the sound of a beeping monitor, or when you can hardly hold your tiny baby under the weight of your own exhaustion. But there’s strength in showing up. There’s strength in sitting with uncertainty and finding glimmers of gratitude amidst your grief. There’s fortitude in feeling, in crying, and in your boundless love for your baby. Because being strong isn’t about putting on a brave face; it’s about finding ways to give yourself grace. I know you can do this.”


More of Catherine + Teddy’s NICU Journey:

“It was an amazing surprise when we found out I was pregnant in July 2020. We had been trying for over two years, had experienced a devastating failed IVF cycle, and were one week away from beginning our second cycle when I got my first ever positive pregnancy test. Our beautiful baby Teddy was born at 41+5 weeks by emergency C-section. Unfortunately, he aspirated meconium and was taken to the NICU with rapid breathing. We were initially told he would likely only be in the NICU for a day or two, but he ended up spending two weeks there. To be honest, I’m still processing the trauma of it all, which was compounded by a severe postpartum hemorrhage and the stress of COVID. Sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t be traumatized, since he was only in the NICU for two weeks. But Dear NICU Mama has helped me realize that all grief is valid. We live in London, and we are so grateful for the extraordinary medical care Teddy received (and for universal healthcare!). Teddy has made a full recovery and is the funniest, happiest little 6-month-old.”


Love, Katie


Love, Amanda