Love, Hannah

“Dear NICU Mama, Your birth story tells the story of your strength... But you don't have to tell it to be strong.

Your birth story is yours. If your birth story isn't ready to be shared—or if you don't want to or aren't able to share it—that is okay.

Your strength is not sharing your story with others. Your strength is having lived your story to begin with. And that is amazing.”


More of Hannah + Wyatt’s NICU story:

“During a non-routine ultrasound at 33 weeks, we unexpectedly learned our baby's heart was 3 times the size it should be. After a whirlwind of more ultrasounds and tests, Wyatt was born via c-section just one week later on May 20, 2022. He was immediately intubated and rushed straight to the NICU.

Although his heart was failing, Wyatt fought hard for life. Slowly but surely, and to everyone's surprise, his heart function and severe pulmonary hypertension miraculously improved over the next few days. When he was 8 days old, I finally got to hold him in my arms for the first time.

After 35 days in the NICU, Wyatt was able to come home on 24-hour oxygen. The next 18 months were very hard as Wyatt developed new symptoms, multiple diagnoses, and delays. But thankfully, with the dedicated support of our team of many doctors, specialists, and therapists, Wyatt is thriving and is about to turn 2. Although he is our tough and tenacious warrior baby, he is full of sweetness, softness, and couldn't be more affectionate. We know Wyatt is going to continue to overcome every challenge he faces and do wonderful things.”


Love, Rachel


Love, Meagan