Love, Mallory

“Dear NICU Mama, From one sister to another, I think it’s amazing how you inspire those around you without even knowing it. We didn’t ask for our babies to be put through life’s hardest tests before they even had a chance to know otherwise. And it is ok to be mad about that. Even though this is strength you may not have asked for, here you are displaying it in all its forms and inspiring those you know and those you don’t.

Now and always, you are inspiring your baby. Whether you are home together, still fighting in the NICU, or tearfully separated by worlds, you are their biggest inspiration. You were their home from day one and you will be their home until the end of time. The strength they so boldly muster comes from your soul. The strength they needed to find in the most vulnerable and early moments of life came from your heart. The strength they need to push through in moments when you cannot be there comes from your love. Your baby is fighting mama, and they know they can fight because they have you.

You are inspiring your family. In the face of one of the greatest fears we ever have as new moms, you manage to display love every day. You take steps forward with a silent courage that seems nearly superhuman. That is not to say you need to be superhuman - you can break down, cry, feel helpless and everything in between. Because despite that, here you are being a mom, embracing life’s hardest job in the face of the most difficult challenge and displaying love in ways that makes the world brighter. Despite the darkness, you are shining. And in that shine, you are illuminating the way for those around you.

You are inspiring your fellow NICU mamas. No matter where you are in the journey, a new NICU mama can look at you and her racing heart may calm for just a moment. You emanate a sense of hope and strength (even if you feel broken, too) and though we all chart our own path, our paths become intermingled. We become bonded, maybe without even speaking, for life.

This is a hard journey mama, but you are a warrior and so are our babies. After all, they got that fight and they got their courage from your very inspiring heart.” -Mallory


More of Mallory + Myles + Skylar’s NICU Journeys:

“I found out I was pregnant with twins in February 2021. My husband and I were ecstatic and SHOCKED that we were having twins! It was incredible news. I was put on modified bed rest around 16 weeks due to complications. At 31 weeks I started experiencing some strange symptoms and was diagnosed with cholestasis at 32 weeks. My high risk doctors planned to induce me at 36 weeks due to a high risk of stillbirth. The same day I was diagnosed, I went into preterm labor. Despite efforts to try to stop it, Myles and Skylar were born at 32 weeks and 2 days on September 15, 2021.

They were the most beautiful people I have ever seen in my life. Seconds after they were delivered by c-section, they were both taken away by a team of doctors and nurses. Myles was intubated immediately. Skylar was put on CPAP and intubated one day later. I did not get to hold Myles until 14 hours after they were born. I couldn’t hold Skylar until 3 days later. She was intubated the day after delivery. Myles and Skylar were eventually weaned to a CPAP, nasal canula and were finally able to sustain themselves on room air. Both had difficulty managing their blood sugars. Eventually, Myles was strong enough to come home just one month after their birth. Skylar had continued episodes of bradycardia and apnea. She required blood transfusions and had a minor brain bleed. She stayed in the NICU for a month longer.

Being separated from our babies at birth was one of the most difficult experiences of my life followed by taking Myles home without Skylar. We were able to bring Skylar home two months after their birthday. The day the four of us were reunited at home was the most magical day of my life. The doctors, nurses and entire NICU staff were absolutely incredible and I am forever grateful for the care they provided for my children and the lovingness and kindness they showed my husband and myself. Though we were constantly told that it was possible our twins would have a NICU stay due to my pregnancy complications, I was not prepared or the emotional journey a NICU stay would bring. It is my hope that sharing my story can help even one family going through something similar.”


Love, Katie


Love, Victoria