Love, Samantha

“Dear NICU Mama, As you navigate life after NICU, always remember it’s okay if not everyday is perfect.

When you finally hear those magic discharge words and get your little one strapped into their car seat to head home, you picture every memory you are going to create as a family once you get home. You may plan photo shoots, family visits, or that first special holiday. Everything you imagine is perfect because you have finally made it out of the NICU.

As you know from your own birth experience though, things don’t always work out the perfect way we imagine them and that’s okay even when you get home.

You may find yourself filled with a new kind of anxiety. You may feel sad now that you are finally able to process all that has happened. You may feel flat out exhausted all hours of the day. You may ask yourself “What am I doing wrong? Why isn’t this as picture perfect as I imagined now that we’re home?” 

That is okay mama.

With each day home, you and your miracle will find your own imperfect version of perfect. One that is far different than you ever imagined but somehow even better.

As you prepare for sleep on one of those not so perfect days, hug and kiss your miracle a little more. Remember that not everyday is perfect but tomorrow is always a new day. You are one tough mama and we see you.”


More of Samantha + Kayce’s NICU Story:

“This was my first pregnancy and I had a relatively easy and happy time until the start of my third trimester. I was hospitalized and diagnosed with gestational hypertension/ preeclampsia. My amazing OB did everything in her power to help us get as far along in my pregnancy as possible. After a few scares, mediations, and being put on bed rest, we were able to make it to my 37 week induction. We thought we were in the clear. But God had a different plan. Kayce was delivered via c-section on March 20th. Kayces lungs were not as developed as they should have been and X-ray revealed a Pneumomediastinum. He was on CPap for 5 days, received surfactant, and struggled to put weight back on. Kayce spent 10 long days in the NICU and was discharged the day before Easter! As I said in my letter, nothing ever goes as perfect as we hope for, and Kayce ended up right back in the NICU 48 hours later with more health problems. Another 3 day admission and we were back to those magic discharge words. Kayce has overcome so much in his first 8 weeks on this earth and is doing so well now! Everyday we are so incredibly grateful for our little boy and we do our best to find our own perfect. He has just started practicing his real smile and it melts my heart all over again like the first time I ever saw him.”


Love, Lindsey


Love, Ashley