Love, Sarah

“Dear NICU mama, as another year comes to a close, I hope you celebrate your strength.

The strength it takes to not have the ability to hold your sweet baby right after birth. The strength it takes to embrace those first snuggles navigating around a CPAP, NG tube, and multiple monitors. The strength it takes to wake up in the middle of the night to pump while watching your baby on the NICU video monitor. The strength it takes to leave the hospital time and time again with an empty back seat. And finally, the strength it takes to love and appreciate your body again.

While this birth story did not go according to plan, you are the strength and love your baby needs and wants. You may have feelings that your body failed you while also feeling so grateful at the same time but mama, you did everything in your power to keep your baby safe.

Celebrate every little NICU milestone while remembering to be kind to yourself because you are stronger than you ever realized.”


More of Sarah + Amelia’s NICU Story:

“My daughter, Amelia, was born on Feb. 21, 2024 at 31 weeks + 3 days due to my diagnosis of HELLP syndrome. She was born at 3lbs 1oz requiring a CPAP for a little over a week. After weaning from the CPAP, she was able to breathe room air on her own! The feeding process felt like a long journey. She had some difficulty gaining weight and eventually was up to a 27 calorie diet. After 48 days in the NICU, we were so lucky and grateful to celebrate her NICU graduation and she came home on April 8. She is such a happy and healthy baby! We’re looking forward to all the magic her first Christmas will bring to our family.”


Love, Joelle


Love, Carey