Love, Sylwia

“Dear NICU Mama, You embodied courage when you walked out of those NICU doors without your baby day after day. When you cried next to their isolette, asking permission to hold your own child. When you pumped through the night, sitting in an empty nursery. Yet during those lonely days, you selflessly thought only of the tiny human you just gave birth to. 

You embodied courage when you discussed diagnoses with your child’s care team and bravely formulated questions that you were nervous to know the answers to. When you became an expert on your child’s condition while waiting for the day they could finally come home. During those times of uncertainty, you were the best advocate for your baby.
You embodied courage when you learned to navigate life at home with your medically fragile child. When you began to care for an infant without the support of a medical team and monitors. During those anxious and sleepless weeks, you jumped into action providing for your baby as they transitioned to their new normal.
You embodied courage when you asked for help as you began to process the emotions around your child’s NICU stay. When you were thankful but grieved the pregnancy and childbirth experience you had hoped to have. During times of pain, you took steps to heal, no matter how small.

Know that your journey is courageous and beautiful. It’s raw, and it’s painful, but it has shaped you to become the incredible mother you are today. Because it is you, mama, who embodies courage and strength and bravery.” 


More of Sylwia + Gabriel’s NICU Journey:

“My first-born child, my daughter Isabella, was born at 33 weeks and spent 3 weeks in the NICU. I was so nervous but optimistic going into my second pregnancy that this time I would get to experience a full-term pregnancy. Two years later, pregnant with my son, I suddenly went into labor at 28 weeks.

Gabriel went through so much during his first couple weeks of life and was diagnosed with pneumonia, MRSA, and sepsis all within the first 2 weeks of his life. While he was on the ventilator, we were told by his provider team that there was a significant chance that we would lose our baby boy. However, after lots of prayers, tears, and hope, things started to look up… and he made a miraculous recovery. The remainder of his 63-day NICU stay felt less stressful compared to that week, and after 2 months in the NICU, he finally got to meet his adoring big sister. 

The last year has had plenty of challenges, including a 2-week-long hospitalization for Gabriel during which he was back on a ventilator due to pneumonia. However, he has truly been a little warrior through it all. He turned one in September 2022 and has become the happiest, chunkiest little guy I know!”


Love, Jillian


Love, Marisa