Pumping is Breastfeeding

The definition of breastfeeding is: “The action of feeding a baby with milk from the breast.” Which then affirms that mama no matter how your babe received the milk from your breast, that you are a breastfeeding mama.

Pumping is not option B, it is not second best, and it is certainly not the “easy way out.” (This also all applies to formula but that’s for a different post. )

We see you as you hook yourself up to a machine around the clock to produce and sustain your milk supply. We see you arranging your schedule to accommodate the sometimes 8-10 pumping sessions a day. We see you counting and recording the ounces and the mls and how you carefully handle, label, and store that hard-earned milk.

We also see you as you grieve being able to feed your baby latched to your breast. We see you as you soothe the clogged ducts and chaffed nipples praying it doesn’t develop into mastitis. We see you as you wait for the lactation nurse to record your daily output, hoping that they will be as proud of your ounces as you are. And when we really get the chance to see you? We see your strength.

Whether you pumped 1 day or 100 days, your breastfeeding journey is celebrated here. We are so very proud of YOU.

Read more stories of strength.


Love, Molly


Love, Kristen