Love, Rachel

“Dear NICU Mama, Your motherhood story is so much more than what happens within these unit walls.

You may not have gotten some motherhood experiences you hoped for and dreamed of: the golden hour, the skin to skin, bringing your baby home, the breastfeeding, the visitors, the days of living in sweatpants and pampering your newly postpartum body. Your friends and family may not know how to talk to you or ask about your motherhood journey. You may not feel like a mom. But I assure you, you are; and your motherhood story is vast and beautiful and forever.

It is full of summoning a strength you may not have known existed in you.

It is full of advocacy and learning as much as you can about something you’ve never heard of as quickly as possible to support your new love.

It is full of showing up for your precious babe however they need you to. Even when it is heart wrenching and painful and exhausting.

And, it is also full of joy and laughter and being in awe of the gorgeous little face you made.

So, from one NICU mama to another, it is my privilege to tell you: your motherhood story is powerful; and the rest of us are lucky to bear witness.”


More of Rachel + Her Daughter’s NICU story:

“Our little snuggler was born via emergency c-section at 30 weeks and five days due to placental insufficiency. She was 1.5 lbs exactly.   

Our NICU stay was a nonlinear 77 days. A slog of unforeseen issues and cramped quarters. But, she (and we) powered through, coming home 2 weeks after her due date. She has taught us, amongst infinite other things, the power of staying in the moment and finding joy wherever we were. Even the NICU! 

Today, she is a chatty 21 month old, whose perfect day includes reading endless books, going for walks, playing with friends, and dancing to 90s music.”


Love, Laura


Love, Sami