To Hope is to be Brave

It’s true, mama. You have faced, and maybe are still facing, complex medical trauma. And every day that you hope and believe for a positive outcome for your miracle and for your family? That takes incredible bravery. And today we want to commend you for that.

The love you have for your miracle can move mountains. And the hope you have for their future as blinding as the sun! But that doesn’t always mean it’s easy or feels natural. And while some acts of bravery are more recognizable than others, the brave amount of vulnerability it takes to hope and believe cannot be dismissed.

Mama, we acknowledge your bravery today and we stand alongside you as you continue to hope and believe - no matter the diagnosis or the outcome. And if you are currently learning how to hope again? You are not alone. To hope is a lifelong process. Your heart will get there again.

Read more stories of hope.


Ways to Feel More Comfortable When Sending Your NICU Baby to Daycare


Love, Molly