S10 E2 | Ashton | Evans’ NICU Journey

Happy Valentines Day, NICU mamas! In this episode, we are honored to welcome Ashton, a well-known Enneagram expert, content creator, and fellow NICU mama, as she shares her unexpected journey into the NICU.

Ashton’s pregnancy with her second child, Evans, seemed routine, until an unexpected bleed at 33 weeks changed everything. What started as a quick check-in at the hospital turned into an urgent C-section, leaving Ashton to process the whirlwind of emotions that followed. She opens up about the shock of an early delivery, the challenges of navigating life with a toddler at home while her newborn remained in the NICU, and the emotional weight of not having clear answers about why her pregnancy took this sudden turn.

She vulnerably shares about Evans’ NICU stay, the highs and lows of his breathing struggles, and the unexpected complexities of having a "big" NICU baby. Ashton also reflects on the realities of healing, both physically and emotionally, after a premature birth, how relationships shifted in the wake of trauma, and the importance of asking for help.

As you listen to Ashton’s story, we hope that other NICU moms, especially those navigating the dual role of caring for a baby in the NICU while balancing life at home, feel seen, validated, and reminded that you are never alone.

Also, we’re so excited to celebrate Giving Hearts Day this week! This 24-hour day of radical generosity is a vital fundraiser that helps fuel the work of Dear NICU Mama, allowing us to continue offering support groups, outreach initiatives, and resources for NICU mothers. If you’d like to support our mission, visit dearnicumama.com/give to make a donation. Every gift, no matter the size, helps us reach more NICU moms with hope and community!

To get connected with Ashton: Website | Instagram | Free Enneagram Guide

To listen, you can find us on iTunes , Spotify, or by clicking the link below!

Kovi + Kate NICU Cardigan

Aubree Shannon Photography


S10 E3 | Lauren | Audrey’s NICU Journey


S10 E1 | Jamie | Nalah's NICU Journey