Love, Aisha

“Dear NICU Mama, I see how much courage it took to do the unimaginable. No one could have possibly prepared you, but I saw you standing there with your heart in your throat nodding through the tears swelling in your eyes as someone did their very best to make sense of something so unnatural. This wasn’t the ending you desired, mama. This is not how it was designed. But it happened and you were so incredibly brave.

You did what mothers do best: You loved through the biggest heartache. And although it may look very different, you will always love and cherish your baby. And mama, you are so strong. I saw you taking care of every detail as the amazing mother that you are. I want you to know that. Feel it in your bones that you are an amazing mother. I see you advocating for your little one even now as you share your loss. There is no rule book on how to do what you are doing, but you are doing it gracefully. There is no way to know what each day will bring, but I see you trying your best. It doesn’t have to be perfect.

NICU mama, I see you making beautiful things from the brokenness and that takes courage. You are honoring your baby well. Take rest in the love you have for your baby. It will never ever be broken.”


More of Aisha + Enzo’s NICU Journey:

“My story begins with my son Enzo. In may 2018 we found out we were pregnant with our first. It was exciting times. We were having a little boy. The pregnancy was extremely easy and I had no complications. Everything was going great. During my 24th week I experienced contractions, at the time I didn’t know that’s what they were and on the third day of on and off contractions i went to get checked out and found out I was in labor. I was admitted to the hospital to the labor and delivery unit where my water broke, fortunately they were able to slow down labor and we waited and hoped our son would stay put for as long as possible to get him to continue to develop a little more. That wait lasted 5 days and then we were rushed into an emergency c-section. He was born at 5:20 pm on October 13th 4 months ahead of time. He was perfect weighing just short of 2 lbs. He was born we was with us. It was a joyous moment. At around 1 am on the 14th they came to get us and bring us to our boy who was not doing so well after the so called honeymoon phase. We held him as his took his last breath here on earth.”


Love, Vanessa


Love, Courtney