Love, Angelica

“Dear NICU Mama, You are enough, even when you have more than one baby at a time in the NICU. When you don't know which monitor to look at first when there’s a desat. When you struggle to understand why your babies are both having episodes simultaneously. When one is improving while the other has had a setback.

I see you wondering if you are giving equal attention to each babe on your chest during kangaroo care. You knew that being a mom of multiples would be rough, but you never imagined trying to be in two places at once.

Mama, just take it one baby at a time, one moment at a time.”


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More of Angelica and her daughter’s NICU journeys:

“In October of 2018, I learned I was pregnant with fraternal twins! At 15 weeks of pregnancy I was diagnosed with complete placenta previa. Twin A's placenta was covering my cervix, and at 26 weeks 6 days gestation I had my first hemorrhage. After magnesium, steroids and prayer, the girls were born via emergency c section after a 3rd bleed at 27 weeks 6 days. Stella was born at 2 lbs 9 oz, 14.5 inches long. Zara arrived three minutes later at 2 lbs (900 grams), 14.5 inches long. My life was saved due to the generosity of blood donors. 

The girls spent 60 days in the NICU. There were setbacks, including suspected NEC, sepsis, Stage 1 ROP and PDAs, to name a few. Like their mama, they soldiered through the war and won. 

The girls are now 16 months old, 13 months adjusted. They each weigh approximately 25 lbs and have the funniest personalities! They receive early intervention physical therapy and occupational therapy, and they are thriving!”


Love, Laura


Love, Kira