Love, Daniela

“Dear NICU Mama, As another year comes to a close, I hope you celebrate your own growth.

When it felt like your world came crashing down, you pulled through.

When you didn’t understand, you asked.

When you worried, you called.

When you cried, you learned to take a breath.

When you felt like you just couldn’t anymore, you did it.

Sweet mama, do you see how much you’ve grown? It’s not just your baby who has hit milestones; do you see your own?

When you found the courage to smile through the pain, you grew.

When you found the courage to step into the room full of beeps and flashing lights, you blossomed.

When you saw your sweet baby with all their tubes yet you still smiled sweetly, you took a huge step.

Dear NICU mama, as you look back on this year of your baby’s journey, I hope you look back on your own. Celebrate another year of your own courage.”

More of Daniela + Mateo’s NICU Journey:

“On January 7, 2022 our baby boy Mateo was born after a typical, full term pregnancy. NICU had been the last thing on our minds. After my water broke during a stressful labor the doctor  explained that there was meconium present which could mean the baby would need some support transitioning. In the fog of labor I really hadn't considered what that could entail. 

That night Mateo was born and it was clear from the moment he was placed on my chest that he was struggling to breathe. He was immediately taken by the amazing NICU team who provided supports to him in the room. He was still struggling and more intensive interventions were required. Within a few minutes of birth he was taken to NICU and placed on a ventilator.

Mateo’s first night on earth was filled with many ups and downs. At one point ECMO was being considered, but the next morning he started to respond to the ventilator and medications. After 5 days Mateo was taken off the ventilator and placed on CPAP, which he was on for most of his stay. There were trials of removing the CPAP, but it was clear he wasn’t ready, and those days took lots of courage. After slowly transitioning off the ventilator, CPAP, getting the hang of feeding, and being able to breathe independently Mateo was able to come home after four weeks!
Mateo is now a happy, thriving, ambitious almost one year old. As his birthday approaches it is filled with emotions of joy and grief- remembering how absolutely amazing his birth was and how completely terrifying it was at the same time. I remind myself how resilient Mateo was and how courageous I was when my world felt like it was falling apart. We are forever grateful for the team that saved Mateo.”


Love, Francesca


Love, Kalli