Love, Laura

“Dear NICU Mama, When your baby sees you, they see the love of their life! You started an eternal bond the moment their little soul was conceived. Just as you dreamed about their face and felt their little kicks, your baby was hearing your voice and feeling your movements. You are the warmth, comfort, protection and love that they’ve known all of their life.

And while the initial bonding moments with your baby after birth might look different than you envisioned, please remember that none of these circumstances lessens your bond with your baby.

The first few weeks of your baby’s life were spent in a hospital room connected to wires instead of snuggling in the cozy nursery you prepared. It’s okay to grieve the moments you didn’t get to spend there. But your baby knows your scent, your touch, your presence — and that is home to them.

You might nourish your baby through an IV, feeding tube or bottle instead of tenderly bringing them to breast like you dreamed of. It’s okay to cry about experiences you didn’t get to have. But your baby still feels you caring for them — and that’s really what they need.

When you have to leave the hospital room to care for other children, eat lunch or take a mental break, it’s okay to feel sad about leaving your baby. But please know it’s impossible for your baby to forget you.

You and your baby are living through some tough circumstances, but your love is unwavering. And what’s even more amazing? While the bond between you and your baby is extremely personal, it’s also shared. Your experience connects you to thousands of other mamas and babies in this community. We are here relating with you, crying with you, and smiling with you because we all know there is nothing stronger than the bond between mama and baby.

So keep loving your baby with that courageous love. I see you, your sisters see you, and most importantly, your baby sees you — the love of their life!”


More of Laura + Her Daughter’s NICU Journey:

“We knew something wasn’t right. We rushed to the ER with our 2-day-old baby girl, who was limp & lethargic and not waking to feed. After many tests that required so many needles and wires hooked up to our little one, it was determined she had severe jaundice and she needed phototherapy treatment and a 5 day stay in the NICU.”


Love, Jessica


Love, Jasmine